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I Couldn't Believe What I Was Hearing

Updated: Mar 10

It's amazing to me when I look back over my life at the lies I have told myself and BELIEVED. I wasted so much time I could have been living better. Why wasn't I? Two simple words. I CAN'T.


This morning at the gym I watched myself in the mirror doing things that just a few years ago I could not physically even BEGIN to do and was QUICK to tell myself I would NEVER be able to do. There were so many times when I gave myself the easy out and say I couldn't because I was too out of shape, too broken, or too old. Those were just all big fat lies I told myself. How quick we are to believe that we are a victim of circumstance as though we have forgotten that the power to CHANGE EVERYTHING lies within us already. 


I was forgetting one of the biggest gifts the universe has given to us all...motion. Sometimes that motion is slow and awkward and feels like you are still standing still. Sometimes motion is teeny, tiny, almost nonexistent steps forward. Sometime motion is running so hard with the wind at your back that you can barely breathe. However, any way you look at it... you are still going forward. All those steps forward eventually lead to a place you more than likely once told yourself you couldn't go. 


Something amazing happens when you stop telling yourself you can't do something. You find a stronger, more capable you underneath. Guess what happens then? You gain confidence when you learn you can trust yourself to do the things you never thought you could. THEN guess what happens! You love yourself more for it. It's a beautiful cycle friend.


So what do I say instead? I can't do that yet, BUT I AM CAPABLE. I haven't learned that yet, BUT AM ABLE TO. I haven't tried that yet, BUT I COULD. Trust yourself. You are capable of so much more than you ever thought you were. Prove it to yourself. Get to the gym. Change your diet. Change your friend circle. Change your habits. Change your whole damn life for that matter. Manifest the life you dream of and don't let anything stop you. Don't like your weight? You have the power to lose it. Don't like your career? You have the power to change it. Don't like your circle? You have the power to choose those for your life that push you forward. Whatever it is you need to be happy, you CAN do what feels impossible! A better life is waiting friend.

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